Friday, September 23, 2011

I plead insanity

So, I have royally failed this whole blog thing... Seriously. But so I don't feel like a complete failure, here is an update on the past... well, yearish. I graduated BYU-I with a Bachelor's degree in Emergency Medical Administration: Critical Care Paramedicine after completing an internship in Oklahoma City. That was all kinds of fun and loving times mostly full of old and/or Diabetic people who experienced a sudden gravity vortex and were brought crashing to the ground and were in need of a backboard, c-collar and/or glucose. After I graduated I passed my written and practical paramedic exams. Woot. Those were full of all kinds of drama that I don't like to relive. Then, on my way back from OKC, Risi and I made a pit stop in the ABQ so that I could interview at the little know University of St. Francis sattilite PA school where Cherisse had to learn how to drive a stick for the first (and last as she swears it) time. We drove around a Salvation Army parking lot for a while so she could get the hang of it. After feeling highly underdressed (missed the mark on the whole business suit for girls wave) and feeling completely unqualified, I actually got in! Weird right? So that's what I've been doing since January. I've been in PA school at USF. That is drama all on it's own which consequently has given me 3 major migraines in the interim and a new set of roommates. I'm currently working on my studying skills which are seriously not up to snuff and keeping my head above water. This 4th quarter we just started seems promising though. The new teachers seem good and prepared and are expecting things from us. I think that's a good thing. Well I love all of my two subscribers and anyone else who reads this useless blog. Don't worry, I'm still guffawing away on my steam boat of hilarity.

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