Friday, September 23, 2011

I plead insanity

So, I have royally failed this whole blog thing... Seriously. But so I don't feel like a complete failure, here is an update on the past... well, yearish. I graduated BYU-I with a Bachelor's degree in Emergency Medical Administration: Critical Care Paramedicine after completing an internship in Oklahoma City. That was all kinds of fun and loving times mostly full of old and/or Diabetic people who experienced a sudden gravity vortex and were brought crashing to the ground and were in need of a backboard, c-collar and/or glucose. After I graduated I passed my written and practical paramedic exams. Woot. Those were full of all kinds of drama that I don't like to relive. Then, on my way back from OKC, Risi and I made a pit stop in the ABQ so that I could interview at the little know University of St. Francis sattilite PA school where Cherisse had to learn how to drive a stick for the first (and last as she swears it) time. We drove around a Salvation Army parking lot for a while so she could get the hang of it. After feeling highly underdressed (missed the mark on the whole business suit for girls wave) and feeling completely unqualified, I actually got in! Weird right? So that's what I've been doing since January. I've been in PA school at USF. That is drama all on it's own which consequently has given me 3 major migraines in the interim and a new set of roommates. I'm currently working on my studying skills which are seriously not up to snuff and keeping my head above water. This 4th quarter we just started seems promising though. The new teachers seem good and prepared and are expecting things from us. I think that's a good thing. Well I love all of my two subscribers and anyone else who reads this useless blog. Don't worry, I'm still guffawing away on my steam boat of hilarity.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

remember when stalkers were called "secret admirers"...

So I've recently become incredibly aware of the fact that I attract, along with the normal bunch of suitors, an exorbitant amount of creepers.... I don't enjoy this fact. Please, if you are a creeper, I'm not available so don't bother creeping on me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

another day in paradise...

This is the newest member of the Glaus family, Cora! She is ridiculously cute (though I've only seen pictures of her...)

The following are just a bunch of pictures from my cell phone...

Drew boy

Drew and Liv watching "fireworks" as Olivia liked to call them... it was actually a lightning storm.

Double D

Livi getting her first driving lesson.


Livi's best cheese face while eating the frosting off of a cookie...

Grandma Glaus endeavored to teach Olivia to stick out her tongue on demand. It only worked for a while, but work it did.

Larry put stickers on her forehead. You should have seen the depressingly sad face she made when Aubrey had to pull them off...

Gavin, you get that crumb... you get it...

This is the awesome blank stare you would always get from Gabean no matter what you were doing....

Drew was so excited to get out of the car on our way to AZ and was amazingly cute playing...

Grandma Glaus is trying to turn all of her grandkids into her.

Gavin loves to hold babies and really, really wanted to hold Violet.

Ah, the sweet smile of a mischievous girl after she gets into makeup...

Could life get any better?

This is my favorite. She climbed up on Grandma's head and said "I get up here!"

Then when she was asked to get down she said "No. I get up here. My Gamma Shelly." And then smiled exactly like this. Precious aren't they...

So, that's it, really... Loves and kisses!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

waitressing: career choice of the stars!

Here are some pictures of my singing exploits...

This is Broadway Revue where I sang Shy from Once Upon a Mattress (a story about the princess and the pea)

These are my sweet rommates Taylor and Tori.

This is me singing. My photographer is great right?

This is Guitars Unplugged. Preston (red tie) decided it was his dream to sing in a school show. The biggest of these is Guitars Unplugged so he asked me to join him in a musical journey. We slowly picked up other band members (a guitar player, pianist, and drummer) and formed the band theRAPutics (if you get it). Preston re-wrote the words to the song Empire State of Mind by JayZ and Alicia Keys to be about Rexburg, ID. It was awesome. We auditioned, we got in, and we conquered. They even put us first because they liked us so much.

Sound checks.

This is my gangsta face that is not very gangsta-y

These adoring fans wanted us to sign their shirts, so we lovingly obliged...

Taylor and Emily had to save a whole row for our cheering section! A whole ROW!

There they are all filled up. Yes, we know, our fan count is through the roof... soon they might just spill over into two rows... crazy...

This is the crowd at the show.

These wonderful girls are my roommates/fan club. Yes, those shirts do say my name on them... yeah.

This post has been brought to you by fame and fortune. May it find you too.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

born to be wild

So I cleaned out my cell phone photos... Here are my nieces and nephews, looking their best.

Ok, this isn't a nephew, it's a cousin. Weston. But we still love him.

Aubrey's children first:
They used to fence Liv into the family room, but she'll make it out. She is that determined. You go Olivia, you go.

It's so exhausting.... being a baby....

Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater....

Style is very important when you are trying to impress a crowd.

Uncle Ben as a beautician = awesome!

Mmmm.... Chocolate kiss anyone?

Aparently Liv needs a little attention... So pay attention!

Little-Little Livi

Well, they had to move Lucy into the crib, and Liv had to have somewhere to sleep, right?

She was so little...

I'm a fan of the bumbo, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to sit in it a little different.

Little LuLu isn't so little anymore... from e-Skeletorina to Chunk. They grow so fast.

Nate's kids:
He's the oldest of all the nieces and nephews and the craziest, just how we like him.
Here, in case you aren't the brightest crayon in the box, he's at the beach having a romp-roarin' time.

This is Violet... We haven't met yet, but I'm pretty sure she's awesome.

I like the gloved hands the best part.

Andy's Kid:
Mmmm... Grapes...

Double D in his pimpin' hat... Ann knows how to dress a baby.

Mmmm... cameras taste good...

He's pretty much always happy...

Drew and Mom! Well, his grandma...

Ashlee's Kiddie:
For some reason I only have one photo of Gabean... well, mostly because I haven't finished sending all the photos of my phone to my computer. But we love Gavin...

So those are my nieces and nephews. I love them to pieces....